
Articulating Design Decisions Workshop

1-Day workshop for your team, up to 25 people

Talking to people about design might seem like a basic skill, but it can be difficult to do well. And, in many cases, how you communicate with other designers, stakeholders, clients, or executives is more critical than the designs themselves.

Based on my best-selling book from O'Reilly, this practical and fun workshop focuses on principles, tactics, and actionable methods for presenting design. Whether it's the design of websites, apps or other products, you'll learn how to win over anyone who has influence over the project - with the goal of creating the best user experience.

Contact Me to Schedule

What we will do:

  • Walk through the process of preparing for and presenting design
  • Understand stakeholder perspectives and how to empathize with them
  • Practice both implicit and explicit listening skills
  • Discuss methods for creating documentation, notes, and decision logs
  • Validate and share our own experiences with each other
  • Use strategies for expressing the most effective responses to feedback

Exercises include:

  • Discussing common challenges with explaining design
  • Writing stakeholder stories to better see their perspective
  • Evaluating your own skill at articulating design decisions
  • Practicing tactics for responding with other participants
  • Applying techniques from improvisational comedy
  • Simulating design conversations and scenarios with role playing

At the end of this workshop, you'll be more confident in your ability to help stakeholders understand the design you recommend. Articulating Design Decisions will equip you to communicate with stakeholders, keep your sanity, and still deliver the best user experience.

Not Just for Designers

While most attendees are usually designers, I've had many developers, content strategists, product owners, researchers, and business leaders attend this workshop. I frequently lead this workshop with cross-functional teams. If I know in advance that we'll have mixed roles - I can adjust my presentation so it doesn't feel exclusive. However, the content, strategies, and exercises in the workshop easily cross roles.

This workshop is for anyone who needs to talk about design! Regardless of your role in the design process, everyone needs to be better at articulating design decisions.

For Teams of 15-25+ People

Bring this workshop on site to your team and learn together in your own work environment.

  • 1-day workshop
  • 20-25 people max I keep group sizes small for the participant's experience. More than 25 and it's difficult for everyone to participate and discuss effectively. I've found that 20 is the perfect size.

Contact Me to Schedule

Travel expenses are not included, but contact me and I'll give you an estimate. Don't worry, I fly coach.

For Smaller Teams or Individuals

I often partner with local groups to bring this workshop to cities and make them available to anyone. These are usually conferences, IxDA or UXPA chapters, or consulting companies. If you're interested in helping host a workshop in your city, let's talk! Email me at:

Previous Workshops At

  • Microsoft
  • Porsche
  • BBC
  • Wells Fargo
  • Hubspot
  • Push Conference
  • Upwork
  • UX London
  • User Experience Lisbon

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